About me.

Hello my name is Shawn. I enjoy anything technology related, and innovation is my passion.

I am currently a year 2 computer science student at the National University of Singapore. A quick crash course about myself: I am deeply passionate about tech, the community, and sports. I love to challenge myself, and pursue subjects I find interesting. I also enjoy volunteering in both the local and overseas community, and had previously served my school community as a Student Councillor in JC. In my free time, I am always learning about the latest worldly happenings and technological milestones.

Besides all the maths and coding, I am also an artist, photographer, music enthusiast, horror movie lover, and an avid sports fan. My inner flame fuels me in the pursuit of my many interests, hobbies, areas of study, and artistic endeavors. I’m a people-person with deep emotions and empathy, and a natural storyteller. I hope to inspire and share my creative expressions with others.



I’m sure you’ve all heard of the saying - a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, then a well-captured shot is worth a million words! With a click of the shutter, the eye behind the viewfinder paints a spectacular masterpiece - arguing couples, balletic pedestrian movement, uncanny and witty juxtapositions of seemingly unrelated subject matter.

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Art Gallery.


I feel empowered sharing my “designs” online, communicating powerful ideas across the digital landscape while also hoping to amuse and spread positivity. Navigating this brutalist technological age may be daunting but art drives me to envision the future with a different lens.

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Think you’re good at tic tac toe? Well think again. Whether you’re just looking for an avenue of stress relief, or a way to stimulate your brain, challenge yourself in the ultimate game of tic tac toe against the infamous Artificial Intelligence HAL 9000! More to come!

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Shawn Kok @ 2022